GlobalMed For Patients

Sign Up For Free

Signing up is easy and free. Even see if your insurance covers your online consultations.

Talk To Providers

Talk and interact with doctors, psychologists, dietitians, dentists, dermatologists, cardiologists, and more on

Local & Global Health Care

Simply Enter your zipcode, city, state...or even another country and view doctors and facilities offering video, phone, office visits, and in-home visits, it's that easy. Say you want to search providers that specialize in a specific disease...say in France or can do that too. You can even read reviews by other patients before you choose your provider.

Payment Types

Pay for a consultation by credit card, or request to pay by your health insurance. Your Medicare, Medicaid, or private insurance may cover your consultation.

GlobalMed Telescore

When you book a telemedicine appointment, we provide you and the provider with a "TeleScore". This Telescore is a proprietary algorithm that grades the probability of a patients consulation to be paid or covered by an insurance company. If you get an "A" your in good shape, if your state is not telemedicine friendly and you get an "F", your consultation may not be covered.

All Visit Types

GlobalMed is not just a telemedicine or telehealth platform, you can set appointments for traditional office visits and in-home visits.


Depending on your location and consulation, you can receive online prescriptions by providers.

Remote Monitoring

Buy or easily install your mHealth devices such as fitbits, scales, glucose meters, and blood pressure devices and track and monitor your vitals with your doctor.